
A Escola Nós No Bambu abre inscrições para participação de coletivos ou grupos artísticos latinoamericanos na Residência Nós No Bambu 2022 - Latinoamerica Brasil.
A Residência Nós No Bambu oferece uma mentoria virtual para grupos ou
coletivos profissionais de artes cênicas - circo, dança e teatro - que desejem aprender as bases da arte corpo bambu e capacitarem-se como educadores pioneiros da Escola Nós No Bambu.
A arte corpo bambu compreende a construção de instrumentos acrobáticos artesanais de bambu e a exploração das possibilidades de movimentação e expressão com estes instrumentos.
A base pedagógica da Residência são os Manuais Nós No Bambu, uma coleção
de 3 e-books tutoriais com vídeos, fotografias e textos: https://www.nosnobambu.com.br/manuais
La Escuela Nós No Bambu abre la inscripción para la participación de colectivos o grupos artísticos latinoamericanos en la Residencia Nós No Bambu 2022 - Latinoamerica Brasil.
La Residencia Nós No Bambu ofrece una tutoría virtual para grupos o
o colectivos profesionales de artes escénicas -circo, danza y teatro- que deseen aprender los fundamentos del arte cuerpo bambú y formarse como educadores pioneros de la Escuela Nós No Bambu.
El arte cuerpo bambú incluye la construcción de instrumentos acrobáticos artesanales de bambú y la exploración de las posibilidades de movimiento y expresión con estos instrumentos.
La base pedagógica de la Residencia son los Manuales Nós No Bambu, una colección de 3 libros electrónicos tutoriales con vídeos, fotos y textos: https://www.nosnobambu.com.br/manuais
9 a 28 de maio de 2022
Leia a Convocatória

Veja como foi a primeira Residência Nós No Bambu:

The first Residency Nós No Bambu - Latin America Brasil took place from April 28 to May 26, 2019. For a month, nine artists from five countries lived an immersion in the universe of body bamboo art. The participants were initiated into bamboocraft - the construction of acrobatic handcrafted bamboo instruments - and the body and scenic repertoire of Cia Nós No Bambu. The project, supported by Rumos Itaú Cultural 2017-2018, took place at the headquarters of Cia Nós No Bambu, the Galpão Bambu - creation space, located in the Córrego do Urubu Rural Nucleus, in Brasília, Brazil.
In addition to sharing knowledge, the residents set up the Nós No Bambu Residency Show. The event, open to the community, had a Performative Circuit, a mini-doc exhibition of the Residency process, the show and confraternization with music and bonfire.
During the Show, the Bamboo Body Network was launched, a worldwide network that was born with representatives in five countries - Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Costa Rica.
Click to see the highlights of the Residency





Dive in the Residency Nós No Bambu - watch our WEBSERIES!
The Residency Nós No Bambu took place in the Galpão Bambu - creation space, headquarters of Cia Nós No Bambu. The Galpão Bambu is located in the Rural Nucleus Córrego do Urubu, which is part of the Serrinha do Paranoá, a place of stunning nature in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia.
fotos Thaís Mallon
Central and connecting element, the bamboo brings a universe in itself. The group was initiated in the process of choosing, harvesting, processing and building acrobatic handcrafted bamboo instruments.
fotos Thaís Mallon
The body work with bamboo was based on two acrobatic instruments widely researched by the company: bamboo poles and tripods. We also use the versatile bamboo sticks. Techniques of body self-care, warmth and scenic presence collected by Cia Nós No Bambu throughout its 17 years of practice shared.
fotos Thaís Mallon
As a way to deepen the knowledge acquired during the Residency and incorporate it into the knowledge of each artist, we created the Show Residency Nós No Bambu. The event was open to the community and included a Performative Circuit, a 40-minute mini-doc and get together with music and a bonfire.
Performative Circuit
Diplomatic Representatives

Maria Laura de Rosa and family - cultural attaché of Argentina

Luis Luna and family - cultural attaché of Peru
fotos Thaís Mallon
fotos Thaís Mallon
To reverberate the shared knowledge and nourish the bonds generated during the Residence, we launched the Body Bamboo Network. The purpose of the Body Bamboo Network is to promote human and artistic development through the numerous possibilities of Bamboo Body Art: the creative interaction between human bodies and bamboo shapes. To this end, the Bamboo Body Network aims to connect people, share means and modes of production, generate knowledge and opportunities for exchange and business. Through our actions, our goal is to generate interest in the cultivation of bamboo and encourage the use of this natural resource for its enormous potential for sustainable development.

Poema Mühlenberg
General Coordinator
Poema Mühlenberg is the creator of Cia Nós No Bambu, in which she acts as acrobatic dancer, producer, communicator and bamboo craftswoman, among other functions. She graduated in Industrial Design and has experience as director, choreographer, film art director, actress, body preparer, art educator and environmental activist. Her body studies cover the vast field of contemporary dance, solo acrobatics, capoeira, pilates, yoga, ballet, ballroom dancing, popular dances and movement culture. Poema shares with Flavia and Jozi the instruction of body and bamboo practices.

Ana Flávia Almeida
Bamboo Body Art Instructor
Wise pioneer, she is the oldest bamboo body art practitioner of Cia Nós No Bambu and its cofounder. She has performed as an acrobat dancer in four of the company's shows and collaborated in the choreography in two others. Flavinha has danced ballet and contemporary, trained in artistic gymnastics and triathlon and has a major in nutrition. She will be the instructor of the daily body practices at Residency Nós No Bambu.

Jozimar Marinho
Bamboo Craftsmen and Bamboo Craft Instructor
This man from Tocantins (Brazilian Midwest State) is a fine bamboo craftsman. Initiated in the carpentry, he collaborates with Marcelo Rio Branco and Cia Nós No Bambu as a craftsman since the beginning of our investigations. He will initiate the residents in the mysteries of harvesting, processing and construction of bamboo acrobatic instruments. Jozi is also responsible for the construction of the acrobatic instruments used during the Residency No Bambu.

Beth Martins
The actress, choreographer, dancer and aerial acrobat is the founder and member of the cast and the direction nucleus of the Intrépida Trupe (circus company from Rio de Janeiro). From 1992 to 2006, she worked with the social projects ˝Se essa rua fosse minha˝, ˝Levantando a lona˝, ˝Cia. Aplauso˝ and ˝Talentos da Vez˝, giving circus and dance classes, directing and choreographing shows.
Bruniele Ferreira
Graduated in Physical Education, Bruniele Ferreira seeks to unite all her experience with yoga, Integral Bambu, improvisation, natural movement, among others to provide natural body experiences of physical, intellectual and emotional capacity.
Gerlídia Tavares
Born in Quixadá/ Ceará State, the pedagogue began her studies in professional dance in mid-1994 at the Gorette Quintella ballet school. Teacher, dancer and choreographer, she currently directs and coordinates the Cia de Dança Rastro, which turns 17 in 2019. In addition, our resident is president of Maracatu Nação Quixadá and coordinator of the Ceará Dance Network in the central hinterland region.
Kadu Oliviê
Born in São Bernardo do Campo/São Paulo State and living in Palmas/Tocantins State, he began his career working as a clown in hospitals in the city of Mauá/São Paulo. Artistic director, specialist in tightrope by the National School, educator and president of the Association Cia Os Kaco, Kadu is idealizer and director of the Taquaruçu Circus Festival, and Tocantins Social Circus. Currently, he develops a continuous work of activities of awareness and access to circus culture, and is part of the production of major festivals in the Midwest.
Mariana Duarte
Dancer and choreographer, graduated in Rio de Janeiro from Faculdade Angel Vianna, moved to São Paulo in 94 and in the city integrated the project Dance - Master, also studied aerial circus techniques at Escola Circo Picadeiro and Galpão do Circo. In London, she took courses in classical and contemporary techniques at the Laban Centre for Movement and Dance, London Contemporary Dance School and the Greenwich Dance Agency. She is currently continuing a research that integrates dance, circus and theatre languages, developing projects in partnership with other companies such as Solas de Vento and TrixMix Cabaré.
César Hernandez
A social circus project facilitator since 2010, he also has four pedagogical trainings given by Machincuepa Circo Social, an organization endorsed by Cirque du Monde, a social program created by Cirque du Soleil with an emphasis on teenagers, youth and adults in vulnerable situations.
Helder Lacunza
Coming directly from Lima/ Peru, Helder Lacunza is a circus artist, graduated from the Professional Circus School of La Tarumba, with specialization in Acrobalance and Korean trapeze. Besides being an artist and founder of the company "Circo Andante", Helder owns an extensive curriculum accumulating 20 years of experience as a circus art teacher.
Armando Alfaro
Costa Riquenho graduado na Escola de Circo Profissional de Tarumba no ano de 2014, vem participando ativamente de iniciativas independentes em toda a América Latina e desenvolvendo-se artística e pedagogicamente. Tem ampla experiência em vários festivais locais, da América Latina e Europa.
Lucila Ruiz
Luli as she is called is a professional dancer, researcher and dancer of African dance. As a researcher, Luli has studied African influences in Argentine folklore.
Como una forma de profundizar el conocimiento adquirido durante la Residencia, y agregarlos al conocimiento de cada artista, creamos la Muestra Residencia Nós No Bambu. El evento, abierto a la comunidad, contó con un Circuito Performativo, proyección de mini-doc del proceso de la Residencia, el show de 40 minutos de duración y socialización con música y hoguera.
Representantes Diplomáticos
Maria Laura de Rosa y familia - adida cultural de Argentina
Luis Luna y familia - adido cultural de Peru