To offer amateur and professional artists the experience of generating shapes with bamboo and the possibilities of interaction between body and bamboo in the composition of the scene. The game of shapes will create ephemeral objects/scenographies with which the participants will explore poetic body interactions. They will be stimulated to transpose their techniques and knowledge of the scenic game to the bamboo shapes, with the possibility of finding new approaches to them.
Poema Mühlenberg, co-founder and director of Cia Nós No Bambu
Adult, free for anyone interested in exploring the creative possibilities of the game of shapes for the scene.
PLACES 20 students (maximum) for classes with one teacher. With two teachers the amount may vary.
DURATION 20 hours divided into 5 days.
Bamboo Lab
games of shape
and dramaturgy
Expansion of the artists' understanding of the relations between body, object and space in dramaturgical composition and its multiple possibilities.
Discovery of new ways of moving through the interaction with bamboo shapes and the others.
Acquisition of basic knowledge in bamboocraft.
Contact us now and ask for a proposal.
e-mail: nosnobambu@gmail.com
whatsapp: + 55 61 99533 2727
˝The shapes speak to us in thought, suggest movements, configure bodily actions, so that we get involved with them. [...] The forms should ˝speak˝ with each other. To do this you have to play with them.˝
(MOREIRA; RIPPER, 2014, p. 55)
1. Theoretical Information
Share basic information about bamboo, about Cia Nós No Bambu's artistic production and about dramaturgy.
2. Body and presence preparation techniques for the creative process
The practice of exercises and dynamics collected by Cia Nós No Bambu throughout its 17 years of research.
3. Game of Shapes
Sensitive knowledge of the bamboo material, experimenting with compositions with the material, learning basic techniques for building shapes of low complexity. Elaboration of proposals in model and real scale.
4.Dramaturgical Composition Studies
Experiments of poetic interaction between the body of the artist and the bamboo shapes. Additional resources can be used, such as music, light, etc. Dialogues about the concepts covered and about the laboratory experiments.
Bastões de Bambu
mover, jogar, criar
Expansion of the artists' understanding of the relations between body, object and space in dramaturgical composition and its multiple possibilities.
Discovery of new ways of moving through the interaction with bamboo shapes and the others.
Acquisition of basic knowledge in bamboocraft.
Contact us now and ask for a proposal.
e-mail: nosnobambu@gmail.com
whatsapp: + 55 61 99533 2727
˝The shapes speak to us in thought, suggest movements, configure bodily actions, so that we get involved with them. [...] The forms should ˝speak˝ with each other. To do this you have to play with them.˝
(MOREIRA; RIPPER, 2014, p. 55)
Jovens e adultos interessados em movimento e criação, sem pré-requisitos.
VAGAS: 15 pessoas
CARGA HORÁRIA: 3h30 a 4h (adaptável)
Estímulo à realização de tarefas motoras por meio do exemplo prático ou da sugestão verbal. Criação de ambiente lúdico. Estímulo à geração de respostas motoras e à composição de células coreográficas.
Entre em contato agora e peça uma proposta.
e-mail: atendimento. nosnobambu@gmail.com
whatsapp: + 55 61 99533 2727
Espaço livre para atividade motora - aprox. 3m²/ pessoa;
Se possível, piso coberto com tatame de EVA;
Bastões de bambu de 1,5 a 2m de comprimento (fornecidos pela facilitadora);
Caixa de som;
Intensive Tripod
Experience of the possibilities of the Tripod - an acrobatic handcrafted bamboo instrument widely researched by Cia Nós No Bambu. The Tripod is a very versatile self-supporting structure that offers the opportunity of approach as an aerial acrobatic prop, manipulable object and space for dance, acrobatics and game.
Teaching acrobatic and manipulation repertoire with the Tripod.
To know the possibilities of using bamboo for self-massage, stretching and relaxation.
Development of motor skills
Body awareness
Learning acrobatic repertoire and manipulation
Stimulation of tactile sensitivity in the relationship with the material. Exploration of the instruments as paths where the management of ones own energy and motor intelligence are stimulated.
Access to a basic repertoire of movements in the Tripods and experience of the possibilities of expression of Bamboo Body Art.
Adults or adolescents with parental permission. The activities can be oriented according to the level of body fitness of the class. Thus, one can opt for the amateur public in general, people with some experience in the movement arts and/or professional circus artists.
PLACES 10 students per class.
If you are interested, you can increase the number of tripods and vacancies.
20 hours, divided into five days, 4 hours of work each. This format is flexible.
Four bamboo tripods
EVA tatames to cover the floor area
Sound box with cable with P2 P2 terminal (computer, mp3 player etc)
Free area of 100m² (approx.) and right foot of at least 4m. If there is the possibility of using a larger space, the workshop will benefit from more work possibilities.
Contact us now and ask for a proposal.
e-mail: nosnobambu@gmail.com
whatsapp: + 55 61 99533 2727
Module 1 - Bamboo World Lecture
Module 2 - Bamboo Grove Experience
Module 3 - How to Treat a Bamboo
Module 4- Bamboo Stick Workshop
Contact us now and ask for a proposal.
e-mail: nosnobambu@gmail.com
whatsapp: + 55 61 99533 2727